Malaysian Media Awards Winners Showcase

2010 | |

Gaining Awareness by Going ‘Click-less’

Advertiser: CIMB Bank
Brand: CIMB Prime Plan
Creative Agency: Vizeum Media Services 
(M) Sdn Bhd
Credits: Tan Soon Liang (Associate Digital Director), Saurav Bhowmik (Strategic Resources Director), Wong Tse San (Client Services Director), Joanne Yau (Associate Media Director), Ruby Subramaniam (Junior Digital Planner), Melissa Chan (Vice-President, CIMB Bank), Kenneth Teh (Assistant Vice-President, CIMB Bank)

Prime Plan is a new product that is targeted to the lower mass affluent consumers who were looking out for a rewarding lifestyle experience. Google Search was incorporated in the campaign to reach the audience in a subtle manner – allowing them to first familiarize themselves to a new product.

We used our econometric learning and identified that the highest conversations happen after a threshold level of impressions have been served to the consumers. So instead of using a relevant range of ad groups which is a standard approacch in Search, our strategy was to serve “click-less” impressions to garner higher visibility. This meant that users had high exposure and were familiar with the ad before clicking, leading only quality traffic to the website.

“Click-less” positions are the areas within a search result page where users were looking at but not clicking. Our text ads were purposely positioned in those areas so that, although users wouldnÆt click on them, we still achieve visibility. This meant free impressions or advertising for us. Once a desired level of awareness was achieved, the text ads were rephrased and moved to better positions which lead to a higher and more qualified click-through.

The campaign budget lasted longer than ancipated, achieving a huge number of free impressions that icnreased awareness for the product. This out-of-the-box strategy delivered impressive results: Average cost per click was 35% lower than planned. Campaign achieved 75% more clicks than planned; driving high traffic to the microsite.