Malaysian Media Awards Winners Showcase

2011 | |

See things from your Kids POV

Advertiser: Dutch Lady
Brand: Dutch Lady
Creative Agency: Leo Burnett
Credits: Ramakrishnan C.N (Executive Director), Goh Soo Mei (Media Manager), Olivia Lee (Media Planner), Chow Lee Kheng (Media Buyer), Sharon Tan (Marketing Manager, Dutch Lady Milk Industries), Christy Yong (Brand Manager, Dutch Lady Milk Industries), Karen Tan (Group Account Director, Leo Burnett)

Even though the dietary needs of young kids are very very different from those of school-going kids, for mothers of most kids, Milk was Milk – a homogeneous commodity. With the launch of different Milk for 2 segments, Dutch Lady had to change this belief against deeply ingrained behavior.

Kids say the funniest things at times. The hilarity combined with their cuteness and innocence make these, the most shared & enjoyable conversations among moms. We decided to infiltrate these conversations, using sharp difference in kids’ perspectives to dramatize how kids in these two segments are very different. Innovative approaches were used across Online, Radio, Newspapers, Cinema and POS to contrast all three needs – Mental, Physical and Emotional.

Highlighting the differing mental and intellectual levels, A custom app. on facebook invited Moms to share the cute responses to 3 innocent questions. Kids from the 2 segments were interviewed on top Radio shows to contrast their cute and hilarious perspectives. Kids programs in TV guides in top newspapers were segmented to underline different emotional and entertainment needs. Different-sized custom combo packs in Cinema halls and Height Scales on supermarket shelves highlighted differing physical needs.

The campaign reached about 83% of the target moms. Mothers understood the concept of different milk resulting in Past-7-days usage increasing by a whopping 44%. Market share grew by 10%, making this the most successful launch for them in recent history and is changing the milk game in the market.